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3379. Galeoscoptes carolinensis. D. Hanna. Shaake's Timber 1 mile SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 26, 1907. iris brown. bill black feet dark brown. ♂ orig no 490.

3380. Galeoscoptes carolinensis. D. Hanna. Road. 1/2 mile SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 27, 1907. iris brown. bill & feet black. ♂ orig no 498.

3381. Quiscalus quiscula aeneas. D. Hanna. Road. 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. June 21, 1907. iris white. feet & bill black. ♂ orig no 467.

3382. Quiscalus quiscula aeneas. D. Hanna. Road. 1/2 mile SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 21, 1907. iris white. bill & feet dark brown. ♀ yg orig no 468.

3383. Quiscalus quiscula aeneas. D. Hanna. Road. 3 miles SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 29, 1907. iris white. bill & feet black. ♀ orig no 507.

3384. Toxostoma rufum. [[strikethrough]] Hask [[/strikethrough]] D. Hanna. Haskell's Timber 1/2 mile SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 25 1907. iris lemon yellow. bill dirty brown. feet brown. ♂ orig no 480.

3385. Toxostoma rufum. D. Hanna. Hedge 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. iris yellow. bill black above. below light brown. feet brown. June 27 1907. ♂ stom. con. beetles orig no 501.

3386. Toxostoma rufum. D. Hanna. Hedge 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. June 27 1907. iris yellow. [[strikethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] bill black above. light brown below. feet brown. ♂ orig no 500.

3387. Colaptes auratus lutens. D. Hanna. Road 1/2 mile S E of Lawrence, Kas. June 26 1907. iris brown. bill black. feet horn blue. ♀ yg. stom con. few caterpillars. orig no 499. ^[[(sex rather questionable)]]

3388. Colaptes auratus lutens. D. Hanna. Haskell Timber 1/2 mile SE of Lawrence, Kas. June 25 1907. iris brown. bill black. feet slaty blue. ♀ yg. orig no 481.