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bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible black. rest dull white. tarsus dusky Length 143 stomach contents.

3466.  Sitta carolinensis. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible black. base of culmen & rest of mandible pale slaty white. tarsus dusky brown. Length 140 stomach contents.

3467.  Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 126 stomach contents.

3468.  Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 137 stomach contents.

3469.  Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 131 stomach contents.

3470.  Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 125 stomach contents.

3471.  Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 139 stomach contents.

3472.  Certhia familiaris americana. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. rest whitish. tarsus brown. Length 127 stomach contents.