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January 25, Saturday

3474. Aphelocoma insularis. C. B. Linton. Santa Cruz Island, Calif, Dec. 15, 1907. [[symbol for female]]. orig. no. 1174. [[strikethrough]] Length 12.50 [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] 

3475. Aphelocoma insularis. C. B. Linton. Santa Cruz Island, Calif, Dec. 1, 1907. [[symbol for male]] ad. orig. no. 1175.

3476. Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis. C. B. Linton. San Bernadino Co. Calif. March 4, 1906. [[symbol for male]] orig. no. 45

3477. Carpodacus purpureus californicus. C. B. Linton Los Angeles Co. Calif. Dec. 22, 1906 [[symbol for male]] orig. no 286.

3478. Acterus bullocki. C. B. Linton. Los Angeles Co Calif. March 19, 1906. [[symbol for male]] orig no 52 Length 7.63 wing 3.94.

3479. Hylocichla ustulata. C. B. Linton. San Clemente Ids. Calif October 12, 1907. Length 7.10 orig. no 890 [[symbol for male]].

3480. Myiarchus cinerascens. C. B. Linton. [[strikethrough]] C B [[/strikethrough]] Riverside Co. April 20, 1907 [[symbol for female]] Length 7.80 wing 3.80 tail 3.40  Orig. no. 541.

3481. Otocoris alpestris insularis. C. B. Linton San Clemente Ids. Calif. Oct. 13, 1907. [[symbol for male]] Length 6.32  wing 3.95  tail 2.75 orig no 848

3482. Otocoris alpestris insularis. C. B. Linton San Clemente Islands. Calif. Feb. 7, 1907. [[symbol for male]] Length 6.65  wing 4  tail 2.75 orig no 381.

3483. Melospiza cinerea cooperi. C. B. Linton. San Diego Co Calif. Dec. 5, 1906. Length 5.98. Wing 2.50   tail 2.62 orig. no 112.

3484. Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps. C. B. Linton Santa Cruz Is. Calif. [[symbol for male]] Dec. 16, 1907.  Length 5.80  wing 2.50  tail 2.71 orig. 10212.

3485. Wilsoni pusilla chryseola. C. B. Linton