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iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 160. stom con.

3527. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus dark slate. Length 138 stomach contents.

3528. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus slate. Length 138 stomach contents

3529. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus slate. Length 135 stom con.

3530. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus slate. Length 129 stom con.

3531. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus slate. Length 130 stom con.

3532. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill black. tarsus slate. Length 140 stom con.

3533. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill dark brown. tarsus brown. Length 102 stom con.