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3563. Otocoris alpestris praticola. A. Wetmore. Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. base of mandible white. rest of bill & tarsus black. Length 170 [[symbol for male]] ad.

3564. Otocoris alpestris praticola. A. Wetmore Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown base of mandible white. rest of bill & tarsus black. Length 165 [[symbol for female]] ad.

3565. Otocoris alpestris praticola. A. Wetmore Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. base of mandible white. rest of bill & tarsus black. Length 166. [[symbol for female]] ad.

3566. Otocoris alpestris praticola. A. Wetmore. Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. base of mandible white. rest of bill & tarsus black. Length 176. [[symbol for male]] ad.

35.67. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla dusky. base of gonys buff. rest pale slate. tarsus brown Length 157 [[symbol for female]] ad.

3568. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore Reynolds Farm south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla dusky. base of gonys dull buff. rest pale slate. tarsus brown. Length 163 [[symbol for male]] ad. [[strikethrough]] Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. slo [[/strikethrough]]

3569. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Slog Farm Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. base of mandible yellow. rest of bill dusky tarsus brown. Length 144 [[symbol for female]] ad.

3570. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Dog Farm Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. base of mandible yellow. rest of bill dusky. tarsus brown. Length 149 [[symbol for male]] ad.

3571. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Dog Farm Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. base of