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+ tip of mandible dusky. rest yellow tarsus brown. Length 150 [[female symbol]] ad.

3587. Coturniculus passerimus savannarum. A . Wetmore. Reynolds Marsh south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla + tip of mandible dusky slate. base of mandible pinkish white. tarsus pale brown. Length 135. [[male symbol]] ad.

3588. Ammodramus leconteii. A. Wetmore. Reynolds marsh south of Lawrence, Kansas. iris brown. maxilla + tip of mandible dusky. base of mandible pinkish white. tarsus pale brown. Length 125 [[female symbol]] ad.

March 12, Thursday.

3589. Colaptes auratus luteus. A. Wetmore. 1724 Mass. St. Lawrence, Kas, iris reddish brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 306 [[male symbol]] ad.

March 24, [[strikethrough]]The[[/strikethrough]] Tuesday

3590. Falco sparverius. Scott grisea. Grisea nurseries S.E. of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. bill dark slate. paler at base. cere + eyelids orange. tarsus orange yellow. Length 267. [[male symbol]] ad.

Transcription Notes:
(Notes from Reviewer) "passerinus" - could this be passerine For 3588: "Base of mandible..." - B is lowercase, "base of mandible..." For 3589: "Bill black" - "Bill" should be lower case as "bill black." For 3590: Add strikethrough for date.