Viewing page 35 of 95

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[[2 columns]]

[[center]] -5-

^[[image: check mark]] 
Lybrand Bros Ross & Montgomery
90 Broad Street
New York, N Y

[[section crossed out]]
The Norton Company
Worcester, Mass  ^[[W.L.C. Neilson  VP]]

[[section crossed out]]
^[[image: check mark]] 
O'Cedar Corp
525 Fifth Ave
New York, N Y

^[[image: check mark]] 
Otis Elevator Co

^[[image: check mark]] 
Packard Motors Export Corp
Broadway & 61st St
New York, N Y

Page & Shaw
Cambridge, Mass

^[[image: check mark]] 
Penton Publishing Co
Cleveland, Ohio  ^[[1213 West 3rd St.]]

[[section crossed out]]
^[[image: check mark]] 
Paramount ^[[International Corp]] Films
Paramount Bldg
New York, N Y  ^[[John W Hicks,Jr  V.P]]

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
70 Pine Street
New York, N Y

[[section crossed out]]
Philadelphia Public Ledger  ^[[Curtis Pub. Co.]]
Independence Square  ^[[Allen L. Grammer  Sec'y]]
Philadelphia, Penna

^[[image: check mark]] 
Price, Waterhouse & Co
56 Pine Street
New York, N Y

[[crossed out]] Corn Products Co
17  [[/ crossed out]]
^[[image: check mark]] 
Quaker Oats Co   ^[[141 W Jackson]]
Chicago, Illinois  ^[[C e Coldrin, V-P]]

Samuel Newburger & Co
40 Wall Street
New York, N Y

Radio Corporation of America
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N Y

Raymond Whitcombe Co
Boston, Mass  ^[[145 Tremont St.  F.J. Saunders]]

Remington Rand, Inc
374 Broadway
New York, N Y  ^[[J.H. Rand, Jr.  Pres.]]

[[right column]]
Revillon Freres
684 Fifth Avenue
New York, N Y

Ritter Dental Manufacturing Co
Rochester, N Y

Rock Island Plow Co
Rock Island, Illinois

^[[image: check mark]] 
Helena Rubinstein, Inc
8 East 57th St
New York, N Y

[[section crossed out]]
A Schrader's Sons, Inc
Wilmington, Delaware

[[section crossed out]]
^[[image: check mark]] 
Scott & Williams, Inc
366 Broadway
New York, N Y   ^[[Beale J. Fawcette]]

Singer Sewing Machine Co
149 Broadway
New York, N Y

^[[image: check mark]] 
L C Smith & Corona Typewriter Co
330 Fifth Avenue
New York, N Y

Alex Sprunt & Son, Inc
60 Beaver Street
New York, N Y

St Louis Post Dispatch
St Louis, Mo

Sears Roebuck & Co
Chicago, Illinois  ^[[R.E. Wood, Pres]]

The Superheater Co
60 East 42nd St
New York, N Y

^[[image: check mark]] 
A G Spalding & Bros
105 Nassau St
New York, N Y

A C Spark Plug Co
Flint, Michigan

^[[image: check mark]] 
E R Squibb & Sons
745 Fifth Avenue  ^[[Lowell P Weicker, VP]]
New York, N Y

^[[image: check mark]] 
Swift & Co
Chicago, Illinois

Standard Oil Co of New Jersey
[[lined out]] 26 Broadway [[/lined out]]  ^ [[W.C. Teagle, Pres]]
New York, N Y
^[[30 Rockefeller]]

Transcription Notes:
(Neilson or Nailson) (Coldrin or Caldrin)