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April 22nd 1932

Felix Ebch Erben, Esq., 
Nikolsburger Platz 3, 
Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1.

Attention Mr. Wreede's Secretary.

^[[large checkmark]]

Dear Sir:

I just received a letter from Mr. Wreede, from which I gather that he is going to Vienna, Paris, and London the end of April and beginning of May.

Would you kindly be good enough to inform him of my arrival in Paris on May 6th, when I hope Mr. Wreede will still be in Paris, in order to have a chance of seeing him and Mrs. Wreede.

At the same time I would appreciate if you would kindly drop me a line to my office in Paris, 57 rue St. Dominique, and tell me where I can get in touch with Mr. Wreede there.

Thanking you for yourkind endeavors, believe me to be, 

Yours very sincerely,

(Rolf H. Waegen)

^[[large pencil mark or signature?]]