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Both Senator Scott and Mr. Mahon indicated their interest in making every effort to seek action in the Congress to enact this legislation. It was then:

VOTED, That the Congressional Members of the Board of Regents are requested to introduce and support legislation authorizing them to prepare plans for Museum Support Facilities. 

[[underlined]] Reservation of Mall Site for the Future Public Uses of the Smithsonian Institution [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley stated that long standing policies guiding the development of the Mall have reserved land use almost entirely to museums, galleries, and similar public purposes. With the addition to the National Gallery of Art on the square bounded by Third Street, Madison Drive, Fourth Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue, the north side of the Mall is fully committed to use. To assure that the last remaining square on the south side is used for public purposes, and to balance the Gallery addition now under construction, legislation is required to reserve the site bounded by Third Street, Maryland Avenue, Fourth Street and Jefferson Drive for the future public uses of the Smithsonian Institution.

Mr. Ripley emphasized his concern that in the orderly development of the Mall, the last remaining site should be earmarked for public education purposes. He stated that a building on this site is not contemplated for the immediate future and expressed his ideas of developing a small plot plan for the area for studying plant resource use for food as well as other human needs. He suggested