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Atlapetes, Aug. 4, 1959, I

was disturbed by our approach, however, the presumed Bush-tanagers segregated out.  Later in the afternoon, I saw a Chiricol in the same bush as the presumed Bush-tanagers, but I don't know if this was anything more than coincidence or not.

Atlapetes I 
August 5, 1959
Cerro Pichincha

[[red mark]] = rufinucha

crown not always raised
orange chestnut
bright yellow
flecks fading out to yellowish-grayish-white

This afternoon, on Puhincha, in the humid paramo zone, in a hedge along a road side (i.e. in vegetation which may really be characteristic of the upper humid temperate zone) I came across a small group of at least 3 birds of new species of Chlorospingus or Atlapetes or something very similar.

Moving about quite like the "Chlorospingus" I saw yesterday also relatively silent;  although one of the birds probably uttered a few soft, rather buzzy, single "Dzuht" Notes as it moved through the bushes (it