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Atlapetes, Aug. 5, 1959, II.             

generally kept low is the bushes, seldom or never more than a couple of feet off the ground).
I was only able to see one bird well for a couple of minutes.  Part of this time, it kept the top of its head absolutely smoothed down flat, but once it did a little CR quite like that of Atlapetes. 
Atlapetes, I

August 7, 1959
Cerro Atacasa

This morning we arrived at dawn up in the paramó, at a place where bushy vegetation (characteristic of the humid temperate zone?) extended up a valley into the grassy slopes.  When we first arrived, there were some 2 or 3 of the rufous-capped, yellow-throated, Chlorospingus-like birds, singing from perches in the shrubbery.
I was only able to see one bird singing, and this was under rather unfavorable conditions, but his singing posture seemed to be comme ça. 

Quite fluffed
Wings slightly drooped

The songs themselves were quite highly variable consisting of clear whistled notes and rattles, usually or always preceded by a sharp CN-like note. Some of the songs I heard might be represented by the following diagrams & transcriptions:
"chip chee Feeo Feeo" or "chip cheeo Feeo Feeo" or

Transcription Notes:
image - sketch of bird