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Atlapetes, I.

March 26, 1960
Cerro Punta

We disturbed the pair of Yellow-thighs near the upper pasture this morning.  They then stayed hopping around in nearby bushes for several minutes.  Absolutely no trace of song.  They uttered CN's & ECN's when they were near us (i.e. when they were alarmed) and only CN's when they were farther away from us.

The [[male symbol]] and [[female symbol]] often became separated from one another during their hopping.  There was certainly no trace of any "greeting" by either bird when they came together again.  This is certainly a big difference from Pselliophorus.

I am now quite certain, from my observations of many birds, that the CR and Thf of this species are indications of either alarm or hostility in general.

A "nervous" Yellow-throat is very apt to perform "intention movement of flight bowing".  First stands with neck stretched upward, then abruptly lowers it so that the neck stretches straight forward (or even forward & downward, then upward again, then forward again.  This may be very rigid & regular, and quite ritualized looking.  It may actually function as a signal.  (Similar movements are performed by many other bush-finches.  This afternoon, for instance, we watched a single Pezopetes behave in exactly the same way in similar circumstances.)