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Atlapetes, I           

March 28, 1960
Cerro Punta

We were walking along the road, near the great bend, very close to the spot where we heard the Atlapetes song on Mar. 24, 1960, when we suddenly heard a song from a bird hidden in a bush. I recognized this as as Atlapetes song at once - and also as the song of a chestnut-capped rather than a yellow-throat. When we finally saw the bird, it turned out to be a chestnut capped, as expected So we must be getting pretty expert in recognizing the songs of the species.

I am fairly certain that when we first heard the bird (probably when we first disturbed it), it uttered a few song phrases which were organized in almost or exactly the same way as the commonest songs of the Yellow-throats. 

tuh tuh-teeeeeeeeee  
Immediately after this, the songs became extremely variable. There did, however, seem to be our "basic" phrase. Which might perhaps be represented by the following diagram.


David would transcribe this as: "whee he whee he heeeeeeuu" I think perhaps I would transcribe it as "tut tee tut tee teeeeeee" If so, it would appear to be identical with the song described above on

Transcription Notes: