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Atlapetes, I

October 9, 1960
Cerro Punta

In my notes of Oct. 8th, 1960, on Pezopetes, I suggested that the Yellow-throated Bush-finches might also be breeding at this season of the year. I should add, therefore, that I saw a group of 3 Yellow-throats moving about together this morning, near the upper pasture. So they presumably are not breeding now.

I still don't understand why these Yellow-throats near the upper pasture do not join the mixed flocks.

Atlapetes, I

April, 11, 1961
Cerro Punta

I have caught a few brief glimpses of Yellow-throats, usually or always solitary birds, from time to time in the course of my observations of other species during the last 4 days.

This morning, I saw one Yellow-throat carry n.m. several times to a bush very near the rest of the B Yellow-thighs (see yesterday's notes on Pselliophorus). Quite silent. Not accompanied by mate.

So it seems likely that all or most of the Yellow-throats around are nesting now. 

Yesterday morning, just at dawn, I saw a single Yellow-throat sitting very high, on an exposed bare branch of a tall tree, near the area where I saw the Yellow-throat nest-building today. Sat there for at least 5 minutes, in an apparently unritualized posture. Apparently silent. This is the only time I have ever seen a Yellow-throat so "exposed." Quite reminiscent of Sooty-capped Bush-tanagers.

Transcription Notes:
Left margin: 1st paragraph vertical squiggly line; other paragraphs 3 straight & 1 hatched vertical lines]]