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Atlapetes, Apr. 13, 1961, II    44

but always "Tsit" notes. These may have been CN's on AlCN's. (I rather think the latter.) Every once in a while, one of the birds would hop closer, obviously to get a better look at me. At such times, it had a more or less extreme CR, and (always or almost always, extreme Thflff. At such times, it also tended to perform a few irregular but rather unritualized-looking bowing and pivoting movements. With quite extreme WF's and TF's. (I think that both the WF's and TF's of this species are quite like Pselliophorus. The tail was certainly also spread most of the time the bird was near me.) The bird continued to utter "Tsit"s as before whenever it came close to us. 

[[image - sketch of bird]]
Notice curve of "mask"
[[arrow pointing at bird drawing]] Body probably too small
Part of the time the bird was near me uttering "Tsit"s, it kept the neck retracted 
Looking very plump and big-bodied. As in drawing above. It remained in this posture even when it performed slight bowing and pivoting movements
Only once or twice did the bird perform bowing which was about as extreme as some of the Bowing of assimilis and Pezopetes I have seen. At such times, the neck was definitely retracted. See drawing on next page.

Transcription Notes:
Thflff - throat fluffing