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April 24 II

Actually, in the case of many of the birds here, this Trumpeting Call performance is immediately succeeded by actual FB, with head-tossing.  This actual FB, however, is, I think, accompanied by shriller notes than those going with the 3rd phase of the Trumpeting.

Ring-bill has HF, quite distinct, looks almost ritualized.

FB in U, also in Hunched.  Haven't seen HB.

These Ring bills were already here at 6:00 a.m., when I arrived.  All gone by 7:00 a.m.

2 more come in 7:21. Feeding quietly.
Fly off.
Leaving myself 7:35.

Back. 12:10

OLO  U before attack U after attack U before attack U after attack  U U U U4

!Pair land.  MC of U.  Start to drink [[uuned?]] U5
UUUPAT ^[[8]] O. ^[[1]] O. ^[[2]] OLO. OLO. ^[[4]]  U before attack ^[[3]] U after attack ^[[3]] 
^[[marginalia]] Probably typical [[arrow]] !! U-HF forms apparent MC.  Followed by [[veluection?]] attack

Bird ([[female symbol]] presum.) alone.  Into U.9  Pair land.  All three approach one another, all in U12 (3).  Then [[female symbol]] into O ^[[4]]. One of pair attacks the other. (U before attack ^[[4]], U after attack ^[[4]], [[leud?]] in U attacked)  Attacked flies off chased by attacker. Circle. [[female symbol]] (on ground) does OLO to pair. Pair land.  All U ^[[15]] (3)  Approach. [[female symbol]] twice attacks one of pair  
(U before attack ^[[5]]. U after attack ^[[5]]. Bird in U attacked U before attack U after attack Bird in U attacked) Attacked flies off. Remaining two relax. Start to preen. Not very close to one another (perhaps 10 yards apart). Was this pair? In any case, the incident didn't seem to be real pairing behavior.  A number of  HF's, about 5, in this dispute. Side to side Not obviously orientated. 1:05