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June 16 IV

Just the same 3:40 Sunny & clear now, but wind increasing. 

[[✓ = pencil tick over observations. 
ʳ = a second tick in red pencil]]

[[freehand circle]] [[underlined]] OLTT✓✓✓ʳ before attack - V✓ after attack. [[/underlined]] OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ O✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ .TT✓ʳ. OLTT✓✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ. V✓ʳ. [[underlined]] V✓ before retreat. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] HT✓ during retreat, [[/underlined]] OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. P✓.P✓.P✓. LTT✓. P✓. [[underlined]] V✓ after being attacked [[/underlined]]. P✓.P✓. PAP✓. PAP✓. P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.O✓.P✓.P✓.
[[shaded equilateral triangle]] ♂ U-HF-U-HF-U ♀ U-HF-U. 3:52.

Minor panic 3:59.

[[exclamation mark in margin]] [[cross-hatch scribble in margin]]  The pure, high, "heeeeah" note is, I think, the typical O note.

[[scribble in margin]] [[image - outline sketch of bird body]] [[image - outline sketch of bird head]] Common angled head & bill during TT.

[[checkbox with X]] P.T.P. TT. OTT. LTT

[[spiral]] O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓. ✓.P✓.P✓. PAP✓.P✓.P✓.LTT✓✓ʳ. PAG✓. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ O✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. .U✓[[strikethrough]].[[/strikethrough]]

Bird [[smudged out]] gaping, 4:15, although it is noticeably cooler now. Still clear, wind moderate.

[[cross-hatch scribble in margin]] [[image - sketch of P posture]] P posture.
No feathers particularly raised, except, possibly, those of the back of the head.