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June 17 II

[[✓ = pencil tick over observations. 
ʳ = a second tick in red pencil]]

[[spiral]] LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. [[underlined]]
 U✓ after attack. U✓ after being attacked✓. [[/underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ LTT✓✓ʳ TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ P✓ U✓ P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓- [[underlined]] P✓ before attack✓ [[/underlined]] - Bird in [[underlined]] P attacked - P✓ after✓ attack - TT✓ʳ after being attacked✓ - P✓ before✓ attack - Bird in P✓ʳ attacked - P✓ after attack - P✓ after✓ being attacked [[/underlined]] - P✓-P✓-P✓/ LTT✓ʳ.

[[asterisk with a 5 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀. ♂ LTT-♂ FC-LTT. ♀ U-HF-HF-U.

[[in the margin: cross-hatching with 3 exclamation points to the left]] This same ♂ then feeds chick. Usual way, except no trace of ♂ FC.

Is ♂ FC actually a hostile, or semi hostile, pattern? [[/cross-hatching with 3 exclamation points to the left]]

[[spiral]] P✓.P✓.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ. P✓.P✓.LTT✓✓ʳ.P✓.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.U✓.T✓.TT✓ʳ.

[[cross-hatching in margin]] Again ♂ feeds chick. Again no trace of ♂ FC. [[/cross-hatching in margin]]

[[xsquare with a check mark]] LTT.OLTT.TT LTT.OLTT.OLTT.TT.TT.LTT.LTT.LTT.LTT.TT.TT

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 6 above it, and a check mark and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀. ♂ OLTT. ♀ TT-U-HF-U. 3:40

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 7 above it, and a check mark and a red check mark] ♂ relieves ♀. ♂ does ♂ FC in low O. ♀ does U-HF-U

[[cross-hatching in margin]] Another clutch of chicks being fed by parent. No more than a trace of ♂ FC, and that very doubtful. (Notice that this feeding seems to provoke neighbors' hostility). 3:51

Another case, certainly without ♂ FC. [[/cross-hatching in margin]]

[[spiral]] ✓ ♂ FC-TT✓ʳ-U✓. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.T✓.

[[cross-hatching in margin with 3 exclamation points to the left]] [[Lowly?]] case. ♂ running about in typical regurge postures, uttering ♂ FC. ♀ T with "hlioo"s, continually repeated, ♂ finally regurges, ♀ eats. ♀ continues FBT. ♂ [[?]] to neighbor. Utters ♂ FC, Ch, more or less in alternation with attack [[?]]. [[underlined]] Obviously aggressive [[/underlined]] ♀ follows, still FBT. Neighbor responds by TT, P, TT, etc. ♂ attacks neighbor, drops its off nest, [[pulling wing-tips). Finally [[?]] away, still uttering ♂ FC. Then relaxes