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June 17 III.

[[✓ = pencil tick over observations. 
ʳ = an additional tick in red pencil]]

[[spiralF]] ♂FC✓.♂FC✓.♂FC✓. Ch✓.Ch✓. TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.P✓. [[underlined]] ♂FC✓ before✓ attack - U✓ after attack✓ U✓ after attack✓ [[/underlined]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with an 8 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♀ does ♂FC., ♂ does nothing. 4:17.

[[spiralF]] [[underlined]] T✓ before✓ attack - U✓ after attack✓ - U✓ after being✓ attacked. [[/underlined]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 9 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂  ♀ does LTT-♂ FC. ♂ does LTT.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 10 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♀ does ♂FC,- ♂FC-♂FC. ♂ does U-HF-U

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with an 11 to the left, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ joins ♀. ♂ does ♂ FC-ch-U. ♀ does ♂ FC-LTT.

[[spiralS]] [[underlined]] ♂FC✓ before✓ attack - U✓ after attack✓. [[/underlined]] U✓ - [[underlined]] P✓ before✓ attack U✓ after✓ attack [[/underlined]] U✓ - [[underlined]] P✓ before attack✓ - U✓ after attack✓ U✓ before attack✓ - Bird in LTT✓✓ʳ attacked - U✓ after attack✓ - U✓ after being✓ attacked U✓ before✓ attack - U✓ after attack✓ 

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 12 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀, n.a.d

[[spiralS]] [[underlined]] PAG✓ after✓ attack [[/underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. 4:32 [[underlined]] ♂FC✓ before✓ attack - Bird in TT✓✓ʳ attacked [[/underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.

[[xsquare with a check mark]] OLTT.LTT.OLTT.OLTT.TT TT TT TT TT TT. O.O.O⁵.TT.TT.TT.TT.TT.TT

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 13 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♀ does ♂FC, ♂ does nothing

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 14 to left, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♂ Ch, U. ♀ does nothing

[[spiralF]] P✓.P✓.P✓.]PAP✓.U✓.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.U✓.-P✓. TT✓ʳ.PAP✓.PAP✓.PAP✓. LTT✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ P✓.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 15 to left, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ joins ♀. ♂ does ♂FC, ♀ does nothing.

Sun has gone now, getting even windier, if possible 4:39

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 16 to left, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♂ does TT-U, ♀ does Ch-♂FC.

[[cross-hatching in margin]] ♀ feeds chicks, without ♂FC. [[/cross-hatching in margin]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 17 to left, a check mark, and a red check mark]]

♂ joins ♀. ♂ does ♂FC, ♀ nothing 4:56