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June 17 IV

[[✓ = pencil tick over observations. 
ʳ = an additional tick in red pencil]]

[[spiralF]] LO✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.[[rccCheck]]OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. [[underlined]] LTT✓ʳ✓ after being attacked. [[/underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ. U✓.PAG✓. OTT✓ʳ. P✓.PAP✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓. LTT✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.

[[cross-hatching and 3 exclamation points in the margin]] O posture, without T element, is just like the ♂ FC initial posture, and their calls [[integrate?]]. The O posture also recalls low O of Laughing and Franklin's

[[/exclamation points in margin]] Still another case of chicks being fed, without ♂FC Still another, different nest 5:05. And again And again [[/cross-hatching in margin]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with an 18 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀. ♂ does ♂ FC, ♀ does U.

[[spiralF]] LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.P✓.P✓. [[underlined]] U✓ after attack✓. [[/underlined]] P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓. T✓ʳ.T✓.T✓.T✓.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 19 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♂ does nothing, ♀ does ♂ FC-O.

[[squiggle in margin]] Case of chicks being fed, without ♂ FC again. 5:17 [[/squiggle in margin]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 20 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ joins ♀. ♂ does ♂ FC, Choke. ♀ does nothing

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 21 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] Again. ♂ does Ch-♂ FC, ♀ nothing

[[spiralF]] LTT✓✓ʳ.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓.P✓. ch✓. ch✓.- [[underlined]] P✓ during attack - U after✓ attack✓ - U✓ after being attacked✓. [[/underlined]] P✓.P✓.LTT✓✓ʳ.P✓.

Birds are still pretty much asleep, even though it is much cooler now. Looks very much like rain

[[spiralS]] ch✓.ch✓.ch✓.TT✓ʳ. [[underlined]]U✓ before attack✓ - Bird in✓ʳ U attacked - U✓ after attack✓ - U after being✓ attacked U✓ before attack - Bird in U✓ʳ attacked - U✓ after attack✓ - U✓ after being attacked✓ U✓ - P✓ʳ during attack - U✓ after attack✓. [[/underlined]] ch✓. TT✓ʳ. [[underlined]] ]U✓-HF✓ after retreat. [[/underlined]] TT✓ʳ.U✓.O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.P✓.P✓. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ. [[underlined]] U✓ʳ after attack✓ TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.

[[cross-hatching in margin with 3 exclamation points to left]] Bird that has been Choking, then does brief ♂FC, [[underlined]] regurges [[/underlined]], swallows it back, PAP. 5:35 [[/cross-hatching and exclamation points]]

[[spiralS]] TT✓ʳ U✓. OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ.P✓.

[[asterisk in circle with 22 above, two check marks and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀, ♂ nothing, ♀ U-HF-HF-U.