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June 19 II

10:00 Rain stopped, but probably only temporarily.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 34 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ joins ♀. ♂ M-Ch. ♀ nothing.

[[✓ = pencil tick over observations. 
ʳ = an additional tick in red pencil]]

[[spiralS]] P✓. LTT✓ʳ. [[underlined]]
 U✓ after attack [[/underlined]] P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓- P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓.U✓.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle with a 35 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ joins ♀. ♂ MMM. ♀ T-T.

Rain again 10:08

[[line]][[/square]] [[line]]LTT.[[line]]TT.TT.TT.TT.[[line]]OLTT.LTT.TT.LTT.[[line]]OTT.LTT.LTT.TT.TT.TT.TT.OLTT.TT L.[[line]]LTT.[[line]]TT.TT. LTT.TT.TT.TT.TT.TT.LTT.LTT.TT.TT.LTT.TT TT TT TT TT TT.LTT TT.LTT.LTT

[[spiralS]] P✓-P✓-P✓ P✓-P✓ T✓.O✓ʳ.TT✓. [[underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ after being attacked. [[/underlined]] TT✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.
OLTT✓✓✓ʳ U✓.HF✓.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.TT.✓ʳO✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.O✓.O✓.O✓ʳ-O✓.O✓. PAP✓. O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.O✓ʳ. M✓-TT✓ʳ-M✓. O✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.

TT✓ʳ.U✓O✓ʳ.L✓ʳ.L✓ʳ.L✓ʳ.L✓ʳ.T✓.TT✓ʳ.L✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.U✓.U✓.HF✓. P✓-T✓-P✓-T✓-P✓-T✓-P✓-P✓-P✓.

P✓-P✓-P✓ LTT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.O✓ʳ.P✓.TT✓ʳ.O✓.-O✓.-O✓.-L✓.TT✓ʳ.P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓. P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓.OLTT✓✓✓ʳ.O✓.-O✓ʳ.P✓.

[[cross-hatching in margin]]

[[image: 2 rough sketches of the profile of a bird, overlapping horizontally. Both birds beaks are open and their necks craning horizontally]]

[[caption above left bird's head / right bird's tail: Moan]]
[[caption above right bird's neck: (Very elongate)]]

[[/cross-hatching in margin]]

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle, with a 36 above, a check mark, and a red check mark]] ♂ relieves ♀.

[[spiralS]] [[underlined]] O✓ʳ before attack. U✓ before attack. U✓ after attack. TT✓ʳ TT✓ʳ TTʳ M✓-O✓-O✓ʳ. TT✓ʳ. P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓- [[underlined]] P✓ before attack - P✓ between attacks - P✓ between attacks - P✓ after attack - P✓ after being attacked. [[/underlined]] LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.U✓.[[check]]P✓.

11:01 now. LTT✓✓ʳ.LTT✓✓ʳ. P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓. TT✓✓ʳ. P✓-P✓-]P✓-P✓ P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle, with a 37 above, a check mark, and a red check mark. Same thing to left of that, but with a 38 above]] ♂ relieves ♀. ♂ OLTT-O-M. ♀ LTT. ♀ joins ♂. Both LTT.

[[in margin: asterisk in a circle, with a 39 above, a check mark, and a red check mark.]] ♀ relieves ♂. ♂ U, ♂ nothing.

[[spiralS]] TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ. LTT✓✓ʳ.P✓.-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓ P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓.P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓

TT✓ʳ.TT✓ʳ.LTT✓ʳ P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-P✓-PAP✓-PAP✓-PAP✓-PAP✓-P✓-PAP✓-P✓-PAG✓-PAG✓-

