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[[circled]] 14 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] Aug 9, 1959, II

[[pink lines down left side of first paragraph]] ^[[?]] 

Cerro Atacaso, or males and/or females of another species.  I rather incline to the latter belief at the present time.  If they are another species, then my observation of yesterday probably refers to this new species.  If this is a new species, then I might note that it seems to sing less frequently than the species I studied on Atacaso (although the song is at least roughly similar in form), and utters WHAC more frequently.  (Unfortunately I have not been able to get a really good view of the birds here on Pichincha uttering either WHAC or song phrases.

March 20, 1960
Cerro Punta

[[black lines run down left margin of page]]

We saw at least 3 [[female symbol]]'s and 1 [[male symbol]] Slatey Flowerpiercer today quite high above Cerro Punta, about 7000 feet

One brief encounter between two [[female symbol]]'s.  Probably hostile.  Facing one another on twigs in the same bush.  In more or less hunched postures, sometimes pointing bill diagonally upward, in what may have been an intention movement of an St.  Constant WF-ing and TF-ing by both birds.  Both birds also uttering lots of "Tsit" CN's  One of the birds also ruffled the feathers of its back quite conspicuously, and fluffed the breast and belly feathers to an appreciable extent

[[image - drawing of bird with ruffled mantle, bill and tail pointed up]]  Hunched posture, with ruffled back, WF, and trace of St.

The whole thing was just slightly reminiscent of a low intensity indication of the BU of [[underlined]] aterrima. [[/underlined]]