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May 27, 1960
Cerro Pichincha

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I

[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] = [[underlined]] caerulescens [[/underlined]]
[[black marking]]
Much to my surprise, late this afternoon, ca. 5:00 p.m., 2 Diglossopis individuals turned up here, in the same area where we have done a lot of watching both this year and last.

They looked like this:  [[image: drawing of bird annotated "Alert Posture"]]  Bill quite different from Diglossa.  Black mark.  Rest of plumage dull cobalt blue (perhaps slightly iridescent).  Looks smaller-headed and longer bodied than Diglossa.

Both birds were in identical plumage.  Presumably [[male symbol]]'s.  Very, [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] restless & active.  Flying from bush to busy with great speed.  Nearly constant call notes and/or song.

Their CN's might be transcribed as "Dit" or "Tit".

One or both birds uttered songs very frequently.  (I think it quite likely that all or most of these songs were hostile.  What would be expected of 2 [[male symbol]]'s going around together.  David also saw a trace of what may have been BU – see below.)

Their songs were very very reminiscent of the songs of the small black Diglossa here.  Twittering, warbling phrases, frequently repeated.  David would transcribe a typical single song phrase as: "Dit Dit Diddle-wee Diddle-wee"  I would transcribe a typical
[[/black marking]]