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[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] Jun. 1, 1960, II.

[[black marking]]
One bird uttered songs with a definite R element (at least during one burst of song), in spite of the fact that there seemed to be no other Diglossopis (which could have provoked his hostility) in his immediate neighborhood.  The other bird sang songs without any obvious R element.  Each of his songs was comprised of a single phrase, repeated 3 or 4 times.  A single one of his song phrases might be transcribed as:
"Ta Ta Ta-swee Ta-see-yoo"

All the songs of both [[male symbol]]'s which sang by themselves were delivered from apparently unritualized singing postures.  Comparatively low, but not quite as low as the posture drawn on p.3.  The [[male symbol]] who sang songs without any R element certainly did not have his crown feathers flattened during the songs.  (I don't think that the [[male symbol]] who sang songs with R had his head feathers flattened either, but I can't be quite sure about this.)  Below is a typical posture assumed by the [[male symbol]] who sang songs without R

[[image:  drawing of bird]]  Notice position of wings!  Bill not very widely opened.  The tongue appeared to be raised several times, presumably during certain particular notes - but it was not raised throughout the whole of a song phrase

The tail quivers (up and down) slightly with each note of the song.  As in Diglossa.

Both [[male symbol]]'s which sang by themselves did a lot of hopping or flying about, from one perch to another, during the general periods when they were singing, but I think that they seldom or never sang when they were actually moving.  (These short hops and flights during song
[[/black marking]]