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[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] Jun. 1, 1960, III.

[[black marking]]
periods were never more than a couple of feet long, and usually much shorter.)

We saw one dispute which seemed to be a territorial boundary dispute between 2 pairs.  Both [[male symbol]]'s (at least) singing madly, both chasing back & forth, but not too much.  Most of the time, the [[male symbol]]'s just hopped around, or flew from perch to perch, about 5 ft from one another.  They sang both when perched [[underlined]] and when flying. [[/underlined]]  Their songs included R elements;  but these elements were no longer than the R's in many other songs I have heard in other circumstances.  They did not utter any independent R's, or WHAC notes, or perform any BU.

During this dispute, and during an earlier dispute we saw less clearly (probably involving only 2 [[male symbol]]'s without their mates), one of the disputants interrupted his singing and flitting about [[underlined]] to peck & pull vigorously at a branch. [[/underlined]]  During the earlier dispute, the bird actually succeeded in detaching a piece of bark or a twig;  and then sang, facing his opponent, with the twig or bark still in his bill!  This may have been "displacement" nest-building or, more probably, redirected attack.

Birds of this species perform a lot of flicking movements.  WF's often very extreme, especially during disputes.  TF's also quite extreme, probably in almost all circumstances.  Usually or always [[underlined]] U-D, [[/underlined]] with a very strong lateral component.

I have yet to see any bird in distinctively different [[female symbol]] plumage.  So it is possible that the [[female symbol]]'s of this species are colored more or less exactly like the [[male symbol]]'s.

I have seen at least several birds, in [[male symbol]] (and [[female symbol]] ?) plumage, which had some white near the anus.

This afternoon I noticed that a bird sitting quite peacefully in a tree, perhaps feeding a little from time to time, made occasional D-U tail flicks, without much lateral component.  (I think that this is the only 
[[/black marking]]