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[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] Jun. 1, 1960, IV

[[black marking]]
type of TF it performed.)

Both yesterday and today we have heard quite a lot of "Hoop" notes coming from hedges here, without being able to see the bird uttering the notes.  Thesee notes sound quite like the "Hoop" notes of [[female symbol]] Diglossas, (although perhaps a little softer and more plaintive);  but they tend to be arranged rather differently.  Occasionally single or in doublets.  Most frequently in triplets.  Quite frequently in series of 4, 5, or 6 notes.  These may well be uttered by [[female symbol]] Diglossopis.
[[/black marking]]

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I

June 2, 1960
Cerro Pichincha

Working near Nono as usual.

[[black marking]]
The bill seems to be kept open throughout a whole burst of song;  but the mandibles certainly move in rhythm with the notes.
[[/black marking]]

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I

May 20, 1961
Cerro Pichincha

[[black marking]]
Watching the birds near Nono again.  They do not seem to be very active or exciting at present.  I did, however, study their songs a little bit today.

One bird sang very frequently as it hopped about in a eucalyptus tree.  Apparently alone.  These songs were very long and generally twittering in effect.  Included lots of R's.  But began with CN's or CN-like notes, like the songs I heard last year.

Later, this afternoon, I watched a bird (probably the same as above) flitting about in a eucalyptus tree and uttering lots of 
[[/black marking]]