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[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] May 24, 1961, II.

[[black marking]]
this).  After the [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] stopped attacking, the Diglossopis uttered one song phrase.  "Tit-sweeeee-yoo".
[[/black marking]]

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I

May 19, 1962

Working near Nono both morning & afternoon today.
Diglossopis scarce & inconspicuous, like last year.

[[black marking]]
This morning I heard one Diglossopis song phrase at dawn (appr. 6:00 a.m.).  Not repeated.  Possibly provoked by my approach.

This afternoon, ca. 4:45 p.m., I watched 1 Diglossopis utter several song phrases.  All with "Sreeeeeee" components.  [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] introduced by "Tit" or "Tsit" notes.  Uttered from unritualized postures.
[[/black marking]]

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I

May 22, 1962

Working near Nono this afternoon.

[[black marking]]
4:10 p.m.  See a single Diglossopis singing in tree.  Song phrases with introductory "Tut" or "Tit" notes.  When singing bird flies to attack another bird in tree 30 ft away.  Attacker utters song phrase during attack.  Then attacker retreats.  Both attacker and attacked sing after attack.  I did not notice any trills or R's in any of the songs during this incident.  Neither bird assumed any special postures or performed any special movements.

This is undoubtedly a more tree-loving species than any of the Diglossas I have studied.  Very frequent 20, 30, or more, feet up in eucalyptus.