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[[underline]] Diglossopis [[/underline]], May 23, 1962, VII [[circled]] 16 [[/circleld]] 

[[strikethrough]] squiggle in left margin [[/strikethrough]] 

Go for a walk and come back to Carea 5:10 pm. C's silent & invisible. The ♂ [[underline]] aterrima  [[/underline]] who has been reacting to the C's all afternoon is singing vigorously. Then he shuts up too.

[[single line and star line in left margin]]

Find what may be one of the C's further down the hedge 5:15. Apparently alone. Sings. All phrases with "Sre[[underline]] eeeeee [[/underline]]" component. Then the bird flies away.

Then I find both C's feeding in eucalyptus trees. Both quite silent, except for occasional "Tut"s, when close together. Then one flew away into adjacent trees. Just utters "Tut"s in flight. Then each bird feeds in a different tree for a while. They both sing, repeatedly, more or less simultaneously. Then second bird flies over to join first bird (in second tree). Utters "Tut"s in flight. No "greeting". 

Both birds were looking for insects in these trees.

[[strikethrough]] single line and star line in left margin [[/strikethrough]]
5:23 ♂ [[underline]] aterrima  [[/underline]] sings in one of the trees in which both C's sang earlier. C's silent and invisible at the time.

[[underline]] Diglossopis [[/underline]], I  May 24, 1962  Pichincha  

[[three lines and star line  in left margin]]

Working in Nono again this morning.

Arrive area C birds 5:35 am. C birds apparently not singing - altho neighboring [[underline]] aterrimas [[/underline]] are in full voice.

Hear what seem to be first Diglossopis songs 5:01. With introductory notes. [[underline]] much [[/underline]] thinner and more wiry than songs of [[underline]] aterrima [[/underline]] at this time of morning. Phrase after phrase. Almost continuous.

Catch glimpse of singing bird a few minutes later. Definitely