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[[underline]] Diglossopis [[/underline]], May 24, 1962, II  [[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]

[[3 lines and star line in left margin]]
diglossopis. Exposed in scrub. Then flies to trees. Utters some "Seeeet"s in flight. Sings in tree. Flies to another tree. Feeds & sings. Flies to another tree. Feeds and sings. Apparently alone all the time. Then disappears.

[[strikethrough]] star line in left margin [[/strikethrough]] 
His songs were not usually overlapped by those of the [[underline]] aterrmas [[/underline]] during this behavior.

[[3 lines and star line in left margin]]
Both C's back, together, 6:15 am. Feeding in eucalypts. Both insects & flowers. Not usually close together. Fly from tree to tree. Pres. ♂ utters lots of song phrases. All with introductory notes. All or most with a trace of "Sre [[underline]eeeeeee[[/underline]] component. (It may be that introductory notes and "Sre [[underline]eeeeeee[[/underline]] components are characteristic of all high intensity sosngs of at least the ♂'s of this species.) No "Seeeet" Notes. Occasional "Tut"s. (The ♀ may also have sung, at the same time as the ♂, beginning each phrase a second or so later; but I am not sure about this.). Then both birds fly off and disappear 6:20 am.

Both birds back a few minutes later. In Eucalyptus as before. This time both definitely sing when separated.

Then both go down into low scrub to feed (on nectar). Quite silent when down low ( [[underline]] this seems to be characteristic [[/underline]]). Apparently a dispute between one of the C's and a ♂ [[underline]] aterrima [[/underline]] over one particular flower. Silent. Can't see who wins. But the C flies away a few seconds later.

[[strikethrough]] star line in left margin [[/strikethrough]] 
All the local ♂ [[underline]] aterrimas [[/underline]] were silent most of the time the Diglossopis were singing 6:15-6:23 appr. Only once in a while did one ♂ [[underline]] aterrima [[/underline]] utter a few phrases. These occured between the phrases of the Diglossopides

Both C's gone now 6:33 a.m.

[[3 lines and star line in left margin]]
Back 6:37. Feeding & singing in eucalypts as before. Twice one