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[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] May 24, 1962, V

"Seeeet" note in flight.

Again a single [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] uttered a few song phrases during the intervals in which the C was not singing.  This time, however, the Diglossopis had the last word.

The territorial inter-specific relationships of these Diglossopides are not yet clear, in all respects.  The territory of C pair obviously overlaps the territories of at least 2 (probably 3) [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrimas. [[/underlined]]  But the territory (or home range) of A (or the A's) overlaps the territory of only one [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]] (if that) and the single Conebill.  It is obvious, in any case, that the home ranges and territories of Diglossopis are much larger than those of [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] aterrimas [[/underlined]] (or [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] lafresnayii. [[/underlined]]  This may be another resemblance to the Conebill.

The home ranges or territories of Diglossopis are, of course, difficult to compare with those of Diglossa spp. simply because they are so much higher (literally) on the average.

It might be more useful or correct to estimate the areas occupied by individuals of all these species in terms of "perches used".  They might all be nearly identical from this point of view.

[[underlined]] Diglossopis, [[/underlined]] I
May 28, 1962

Working near Nono again this afternoon.

Reach C area 3:10 p.m.  C pair feeding quietly in trees and bushes.  Only once does one of the birds utter a song phrase when separated from its mate.  All other local Diglossini silent.

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.