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[[underlined]] BQ [/underlined]], Nov. 15, 1962, II

breasted Warbler) feeding in some bushes

Song continues off & on for the next half hour.  Once a bird sings while very near mixed flock of flycatchers and warblers.  This is [[underlined]] not [/underlined]] usual.

As far as I can tell, songs are uttered only by birds separated from their mates (or other companions of their own species)

None of the birds I have been able to see singing have been in special postures or have performed special movements.

6:50 am. Burst of song composed of disyllabic notes.  Might be transcribed as "zee-huh zee-huh zee-huh..." 

I shall call songs composed of monosyllabic notes "MS", and songs composed of disyllabic notes "DS".

7.00 am.  A single bird, feeding apparently alone in bush, utters occasional "Tseeet" notes.  Apparently "answered", with same notes, by another bird in bushes a considerable distance away.

7:10.  More DS's, same as before.  Each DS usually composed of 4 to 8 doublets. Sometimes (perhaps usually) terminal note is a simple "Zhuh" instead of a doublet.

7:20. Looking at a bush on the side of the Lab.  2 BQ's in it. Chasing one another.  This chasing accompanied by brief series of loud hard "Tsit"s.  Sometimes accelerated into semi-R.  Each "R" probably composed of no more than 3 or 4 notes.  All or most "R"s followed, immediately, by hoarse HAC like note!!  One of the birds eventually flies away.

7:35.  Again see a bird uttering DS's in intervals of feeding each DS "zhee-hah zhee-hah zhee-hah zhah" No special