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[[underlined]] BQ [/underlined]], Nov. 15, 1962, II.

movements or postures

November 17, 1962
Bauo Colorado

Watching same place as yesterday 6:00 am.

6:10. Single bird feeding.  Utters both ordinary "Tsit"s "Tseeet"s.  Then the "Tseeet"s stop, and I see that there are now 2 BQ's in bush!  Also warblers

6:25.  Then both BQ's fly away.  Then hear MS song,"Zeee zeee zeeeā€¦" in nearby tree.  Each MS phrase accelerating [[underlined]] (almost to R) [[/underlined]] toward the end. 

6:30.  Pair feeding in bush.  Close together.  Uttering ordinary "Tsit"'s.  Probably a pair.  I shall call these birds "I".  Then one of the I's flies to nearby electric cable.  Faces a 3rd bird, probably member of adjacent pair ("II") about 2 ft. away.  Both birds hop back and forth along cables, facing one another.  Quite silent throughout.  In more or less horizontal postures, head low.  Heads ususually horizontal, bills perhaps occasionally pointed just [[underlined]] slightly [[/underlined]] upward.  Crowns probably slightly fluffed or ruffled.  Under parts slightly fluffed.  Underparts of II more fluffed than those of I.  Breast feathers of II more fluffed than feathers of the rest of its underparts.  Sticking out and forward.  II also has trace of an "upper back ruffle".  II retreats more frequently than I.  Then the whole incident is broken up by the arrival of a Tropical Kingbird.

The I bird which had been reacting to the II bird