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[[underlined]] BQ [[/underlined]]
November 18, 1962
Barro Colorado

Beginning observations 6:00 am  Clear, but still rather dark.

BQ apparently arrives 6:10.  Usual bush.  Can't see bird, but it is uttering lots of "Tseet"s.  Some quite long, e.g. "Tseeeeet".  Quite regular in rhythm.  Almost DC.

See bird a few seconds later.  Feeding.  Utters occas. "Tseeet" in intervals between feeding.

I shall call these "Tseet" - "Tseeeeet" type notes "PN"s.  The ordinary "Tsit"s I will call CN's.  And the particularly loud hard "Tsit"s I will call "SHN"s.

BQ gone again 6:12.  Then back again, feeding and uttering occasional PN's, CN's, or (CN-PN)'s.

6:15 a.m.  Bird begins to sing in nearby tree.  Possibly the same bird I have been watching feed in bush.  Song MS type.  Accelerating.  A few seconds later another bird flew into bush.  Utters several series loud brief notes.  Exactly intermediate between typical MS notes and typical SHN's.  This second bird [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be a II.

A minute or so later there are 2 birds in bush.  Uttering CN's, nothing more.  Then one flies away.  Remaining bird utters one loud MS song, then apparently flies away too.

Then pair re-appears in bush.  Utter CN's.  One bird also utters brief series (CN-SHN) notes.  Might be transcribed as "Ta zee zee zee".  These birds are almost certainly both II's.  A