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[[underlined]] BQ, [[/underlined]] Nov. 18, 1962, II.

I is singing in nearby tree at same time.

Then one "II" flies away.  Remaining "II" utters several typical MS phrases.  Overlapping MS phrases of "I".  Then apparently flies away also.

Apparently single bird feeding back in same bushes.  Utters lots of MS phrases.  Overlapping a lot with MS's nearby bird (again).  Also utters one (SHN-MS) phrase (as before).

Typical songs apparently uttered only by single birds, at least in most circumstances.

Bill kept open throughout MS phrases.  Little or [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] movement of mandibles.

Birds continue to sing together for quite a while.  No (other) overt signs hostility.  Mates?

Then, 6:45, regular songs stop, and I see there are 2 birds feeding in bush.  Uttering CN's and series of notes that are either (SHN-MS)'s or (CH-MS)'s.  (It is possible that I can't distinguish between these 2 patterns.)

This evening Eisenmann saw what was probably a border dispute between an A and a B bird.  Lots of "Tsit"s, presumably SHN's.  Lots of wing "jerking" (WF's ?) and raising of the tail (TF's ?).  Some pivoting.  Birds kept heads fairly low.  No visible CR.  Perhaps slight fluffing underneath.  Birds sometimes facing one another, sometimes parallel.  Never very close to one another.  In bushes and on electric cables.  Presumed B bird eventually flew away.