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[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] May 26, 1961, III

more than slight variations of a single pattern.  The birds seem to give "Seet"s in flight, and "Tsit"s when hopping or lurking in bushes.

[[underlined]] Diglossa, [[/underlined]] I
May 27, 1961
Cerro Atacaso

Working in the same place this morning, 5:45 - 7:10 a.m.

Began by watching the 2 pair.  The [[male symbol]] sang a little, apparently by himself, just at dawn.  Quite ordinary songs.  Then disappeared for a few minutes.  Then, around 6:00 a.m., re-appeared, with the [[female symbol]].  Then the 2 birds did a little chasing, in much the same way as yesterday.  The [[male symbol]] pursuing the [[female symbol]].  I couldn't see the details of this chasing, but I did hear a few HAC Notes from time to time while the chasing was in progress.  This chasing did not continue very long.  Afterwards, the 2 birds were most uninteresting.  I saw them occasionally, but they did little but feed.  A few brief chases – but [[underlined]] many fewer [[/underlined]] than on May 24th.  I got the impression that the birds were settling down into happy domesticity.  Hostility greatly reduced.

I then began to watch another pair of [[underlined]] aterrima, [[/underlined]] on an adjacent territory.  Call this pair "X".  (The X [[male symbol]] is the one who did the song flight yesterday.)  The X birds seemed to be definitely less advanced than the Z birds.  The X [[male symbol]] only approach the [[female symbol]] occasionally.

Most of the time, the X [[female symbol]] hopped and fed, quite peacefully, in a restricted area of brush.  The [[male symbol]] spent a large part of his time at least 20 or 30 feet away from the [[female symbol]] (usually out of my sight), probably feeding.  He did not, however, utter many song phrases while he was thus separated from the [[female symbol]].  I.E. he knew she was around.

Transcription Notes:
Have requested advice from Smithsonian on how it wants Moynihan's colour & pattern coding transcribed.