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Mixed Diglossini, May 27, 1965, V.

are comparatively rare here.)

May 28, 1965

Start out late, because of rain.  Going up hill toward same place as yesterday afternoon.  Reach upper edge Korea pastures 5:50 a.m.  Rain has stopped;  the clouds are very thick and light is dreadful.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]  On way thru pastures, ca. 5:40-5:45, I heard a great [[underlined]] many [[/underlined]] Slate-throats singing.  Also paid general attention to 1 Cy.  This Cy definitely was [[underlined]] trying [[/underlined]] to insert its song phrases [[underlined]] between [[/underlined]] those of Slate-throats.  But the latter sang so frequently that the Cy couldn't always do what it wanted.  As a result, there were many partial and complete overlaps, in addition to regular alternations without overlapping.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 5:55.  Now the Slatethroats have stopped.  And several Cys are singing madly.  Overlapping one another.  When Cys stop, briefly [[underlined]] Yellowface [[/underlined]] inserts 1 song phrase  Stops.  Cys resume singing.

[[margin]] Cy Albi Sitti [[/margin]] (Cy–Albis–Sitti). 

[[margin]] Cy Albi [[/margin]] COMMENT:  Certainly Cy and Albi territories overlap broadly (perhaps completely) here.  The two species certainly are less well segregated here, on the average, than at Munchique – simply because Cys come down into scrub more often here.  (This is, in fact, one of the few differences between the avifaunas of this area and Munchique.)

[[margin]] Sitti WCC [[/margin]]  Note the Sitti seen with mixed flock, without WCC, this morning.  Perhaps Sittis and WCC's do not associate closely here???