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Mixed Diglossini, July 23, 1965, V.

[[underlined]] geographically [[/underlined]] !!!  (It also is difficult to see how they are separated ecologically at this [[underlined]] particuar [[/underlined]] site.  The scrub in which the Brun sang was unburnt – but apparently identical, in all important respects, with the unburnt scrub in which Gloriss's were heard to sing earlier.)

[[margin]] Gloriss Brun [[/margin]]  So far, however, I have no evidence that the territories of individual Bruns and Gloriss's overlap. 

Also, so far my observations indicate that their songs do not overlap.

A few minutes later, see single Yellowbelly [[checkmark]] alone in same area where last Brun seen earlier.  Also goes [[underlined]] into [[/underlined]] Páramo.  Perches on [[underlined]] Spalathea [[/underlined]] !!!

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  Another outburst Brun slongs, and R-Zazas, here at 9:55.  NOD.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  Near the area where Brun heard singing are some bushes with dark red cup-shaped flowers (a melastome of some sort).  [[underlined]] Apparently same species [[/underlined]] favored by Diglossas on Purace.

Another burst 3 or 4 Brun song phrases, same area, 10:05 a.m.  NOD.  Then another R-Zaza.  Bird invisible.  Then more R's, [[underlined]] without [[/underlined]] Za-za's.  Catch glimpse bird(s) [[checkmark checkmark]] in flight.  Apparently chasing.

[[margin]] Brun Sitti [[/margin]]  Then catch glimpse Brun [[checkmark]] in tree 12 ft up.  Sings phrase after phrase in rapid succession.  [[underlined]] Then see that there is a Sitti only 6"-1' away from Brun!!! [[/underlined]]  Hopping about quite unconcernedly.  Apparently paying absolutely no attention to Brun!  Silent.  Feeding on clusters of small yellowish white flowers.  Brun eventually flies away into another tree, 12-15 ft away.  Continues to sing.  Sitti continues to feed.  But eventually disappears.  At approximately same time, Brun