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Mixed Diglossini, July 23, 1965, VI.

stops singing!  During next few minutes, I hear a lot of Brun R's and R-Zaza's in area.  Also catch glimpses several aerial chases.  I can't tell who is chasing whom.  (In this light, Brun and Sitti are not always easy to tell apart.  And I think that there may also be another, second, Brun in the area.)

In any case, the singing by the Brun near the Sitti may be an indication that the Brun was antagonistic to the Sitt.

[[margin]] Sitti Brun [[/margin]]  a few minutes later, see mixed flock in area!!!  Group includes at least 2 [[checkmark]] Yellowbellies, 1 White beard [[checkmark]], 2 [[checkmark checkmark]] Sittis, and 2 [[underlined]] Pseudospingus.  [[/underlined]]  Brun j [[right arrow]] group.  [[underlined]] But (now) shows no hostility to the Sittis! [[/underlined]] Group moves on.  Yellow-bellies apparently in lead.  [[underlined]] Pseudospingus [[/underlined]] f [[right arrow]] Yellow-bellies.  Sittis f [[right arrow]] group.  Brun apparently does [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  After group apparently has moved on, I still hear Brun-type R's and R-Zaza's in area.  I think this must be produced by one Brun chasing another.  A [[male symbol]] cahsing or Pouncing at a [[female symbol]] ???

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  Perhaps the Bruns up here (if not the ones at lower elevations) are in full reproductive (courtship) mood.

Everything quiet now, 10:30 a.m.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  Then a Brun sings again.  8 ft up in tree.  Definitely alone [[checkmark]].  NOD.  Then I see some chases with R.  I am [[underlined]] almost, but not quite, [[/underlined]] certain that this is one Brun chasing another.

[[margin]] Brun Sitti [[/margin]]  Possibly the songs of the Brun near Sitti were not provoked by the latter, but, rather, [[underlined]] redirected [[/underlined]] upon it?

Stopping observation temporarily 10:40 a.m.

[[margin]] Brun Gloriss [[/margin]]  Starting down hill 10:48.  Brun(s) still singing NOD.  10,600 ft.  10:53. Hear another match Gloriss song.  NOD.