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Western Cordillera Columbia (57)

Mixed Diglossisi August 6, 1965

Arrive at Frica Carpentaria this afternoon. Take a brief look at the garden by the house 4:45 pm. Cloudy. Fairly warm. Lots and lots of roses in bloom. There also are many Fuchsias in bloom - but fewer than a couple months ago.

According to Horacio, the Mayor domo, there also are fewer birds around the garden now. And my brief observations this afternoon would seem to bear him out. 

[[margin]]Scan [[/margin]] But there certainly are still 2 or 3 individual [[underline]] Colibri [[/underline]] around. All the individuals I have been able to see clearly have had violet cheek and ear paleties, and violent on center of breast and belly. [[underline]] So they are presumably definitely Scan (not thalassisa) [[/underline]]. (I should add however that the violet paleties on their heads are erectile, and that the violet on on their breasts is relatively broad, and rather sharply "truncated" along border. These features may well be characteristic of all Scans; but I never noticed them before.)

[[margin]] Scan Cinn [[/margin]] Scans feed on red Abu quite frequently. Sticking bill between sepals. (I. E. their feeding method [[underline]] looks [[/underline]] the same as that of the Bogota Scans.) Also feeding on Fuchsias; but probably less frequently. [[underline]] And [[/underline]] I saw at least one individual feed on Kuipliophora, [[underline]] I. E the Scans here partly fill the niche of Cinns at Fuica Canaau [[/underline]] !

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Around 4:55 pm., I hear one burst of what sounds like typical Scan "Chuk" Song in distance (other side of house)

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] One of the Scans in the red Abu repeatedly supplants and chases a smaller green hummingbird (species unidentified - [[underline]] certainly not [[/underline]]