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Mixed Diglossini, May 16, 1964, IV  (34)

from Singing!!!

^[[Laf Cy Ater]] 8:33. Laf Songs alternating repeatedly with what are either Cy or Ater Songs. Then there is one complete overlap. Then Cy or Ater shuts up. Laf continues.

^[[179]] 8:40. Arrive area where Cys seen "associating" with Laf and Aters some days ago. Nothing audible or visible at the moment. Then catch brief glimpse Black ^[[checkmark]] Diglossa down hill.

Birds in general much quieter now 8:50.

^[[Laf 180 Cy Ater 181]] ^[[XXXI N]] ^[[178]] Well! Well! See single Laf ^[[checkmark]] flitting thru scrub not far from large bush with dark red cup shaped flowers in which Aters and Cys fed a few days ago. (I shall call this "bush A"). At one time, comes to within 20 ft of bush A. But does not enter it. Eventually flies into tree covered with tangles of vines about 30 ft away. Lost to sight. During whole period Laf under observation it was silent and alone. As soon as I lose sight of Laf, I turn to bush A and see that there is an adult Cy ^[[checkmark]] feeding in it. Silent and alone. Sticking bill into centers of flowers. [[underlined]] Also [[/underlined]], apparently, putting bill to bases corollas Using holes made by other Diglossas??? Then Cy flies into same tree as Laf.  I can't see reaction (if any) between the 2 birds. But Laf certainly still there. So this seems to have been a definite ^[[2 checkmarks]] joining reaction. A few seconds later, Laf comes flying out. [[underlined]] In hot pursuit of something. [[/underlined]] But its quarry [[underlined]] appears [[/underlined]] to be a hummingbird! Both birds involved in pursuit lost to view almost immediately. And I don't catch sight of Cy again (either).

^[[182 CC]] A few seconds later, single CC ^[[checkmark]] flies into Bush A. Silent and alone. Feeds on flowers for some minutes. Like Cy, appears to stick bill into bases of corollas as well as into center of flowers, Eventually flies off, without any other diglossine having put in an appearance.

^[[VIII]] 9:14 am. See green VIII hummingbird feeding in bush A. No diglossine

Transcription Notes:
text ends in middle of the word "diglossissi'' Moved "-ssine" from beginning of next page, per hyphenation rule.