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Mixed Diglossini, May 16, 1965, VII  (37)

^[[Scan BQ]] diglossine social complex are likely to be found. [[underlined]] And [[/underlined]] the Scans and BQ's here don't seem to come into any sort of contact at all. Possibly even their territories are non-overlapping.

^[[Bari CC]] II I now doubt that either Baris or CC's occur in this area near Popayán itself.

^[[Gen]] III. There is one important piece of evidence which supports the theory that the selection factors involved in (i.e. the advantages secured by) the evolution of different social reactions in different regions are not quite the same as those involved in the evolution of different reactions in different areas of the same region. In relatively open areas, the population is sparse and scattered, irrespective of whether it is composed of one species of several. This is quite consonant with the hypothesis that the greater separation of species in open areas is an adaptation to disperse individuals. But populations of comparable areas of different regions may be (in fact, probably usually are) equally dense when species are ecologically separated, and therefore do not fight among themselves, and when they are not ecologically separated but do fight among themselves.

May 17, 1965
Region of Puracé

Arrive same place as yesterday morning 5:43. Getting light. Sky half clear, half cloudy. Looks as if there might be rain later

^[[Laf]] Hear first Whitestart Song 5:43. Only one phrase. Then Laf Sings briefly. No overlap. Laf Sings again. Shuts up.

Going to look at area where Black Diglossa was seen to chase Blue 

Transcription Notes:
Several words and sentences unable to decipher. I think I resolved them all.