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Mixed Diglossini, May 17, 1965, VII  (44)

probably are not unusually abundant, but different species of Diglossini still are segregated.)

May 18, 1965
Region of Purace

Arrive 5:56 am. Clear and warm. Already light. 

Hear what sounds like Ater twitters.

^[[Scan]] The [[underlined]] Colibri [[/underlined]] here definitely seems to be Scan (see purple moustache stripe). Displaying and vocalizing actively. 

Diglossine-type twitters stopped by 6:03 am.

^[[Scan]] See another [[underlined]] Colibri [[/underlined]] which is definitely Scan. (Incidentally, bills of these birds are almost straight. So probably hummingbird IX belongs to another genus.) Another Scan, definite. 

Scans seem to be [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] common here. 

They are quite ignoring the numerous Sooty Thrushes in the neighborhood.


^[[Ater 204]] 7:20 am. Area of low but very thick scrub, with lots of usual alpine type Passifloras, slightly below road. Two Aters ^[[two checkmarks]] flitting about. Feeding on Passifloras and other flowers. Usually not together. Once, one lands one foot from the other. The approached bird does TV ([[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] trace BU). Apparently silent. The other bird flies off. 

^[[Scan Ater CC]] Part of the time, there also is a Scan (definite) present in area. Scan territories seem to overlap Ater and CC territories completely here. At one time, the Scan was only 10 ft from one of the Aters. Then it followed the Ater for some

Transcription Notes:
Moved "-mingbirds" to end of previous page, per hyphenation rule.