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Mixed Diglossini, May 19, 1965, VI.  (55)

^[[Gen CC]] This is undoubtedly same flock I have been seeing in this area every day. It seems to be at least semi-permanent. (Incidentally, I have now seen these birds at various sites over an expanse of at least several hundred yards square. I.E. they are not associating with one another simply because they are always feeding in exactly the same place.)

It is [[underlined]] highly [[/underlined]] significant that these are the [[underlined]] exact [[/underlined]] same species which occur in the Quito area - where they do not form flocks!!!

^[[CC]] While with flock, the CC picked insects off leaves, and also got nectar from lavender melastomi flowers (very common here - but I have [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] seen either Aters or Scans feed on them)

^[[Scan CC]] There were lots of Scans not far from the flock at various times; but none of them showed any tendency to approach and/or attack any of the members of the flock. Continues Singing and aerial displays as usual.

8:40. Sun shining brightly and weather beautiful in general

^[[Ater 222]] Aters [[underlined]] still ^[[three checkmarks]] [[/underlined]] Singing and displaying vigorously.

^[[Ater Scan]] It is now obvious, I think, that Aters and Scans do not [[underlined]] usually [[/underlined]] dispute with one another here, at this time of year. I have now seen a great many areas which I know are inhabited by both species, without seeing fights. It would appear that Ater-Scan relations here are not [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] greatly different from their relations in the Quito area.

^[[CC 224]] 8:47. Just slightly downhill. Come across 2 ^[[two checkmarks]] CC's. Feeding in scattered bushes of the melastomi with lavender flowers. 2-4 ft up. Feeding on flowers themselves and picking insects off leaves. These [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] be the birds that were with flock earlier. [[underlined]] But they certainly are alone now. [[/underlined]] One or both utter(s) twitters when landing alone. Not too rapid. Quite variable. Different phrases could be transcribed as follows: "Ta-ta-see ta-ta-see ta-ta-see ta-ta-see-yoo".