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Central Cordillera Colombia  (74)

July 27, 1965
Finca "La Montaña"

Going to work where Scan, Cy, and Albi seen last week  Arrive 5:40 am. Clear and cool.

A few birds are audible when we arrive. But very few. And certainly no Diglossini or Scans.

^[[Scan?]] Hear what may be first Scan "chuk" Song, in distance, 5:48.

^[[Scan]] Nearest Scan on nearby perch (the same one favored last week) uttering "chuk" Song 5:52 am. Song restrained.  Overlapping distant Scans at random.

^[[Scan]]  First Scan aerial displays 5:55.

^[[Scan Albi?]] 5:57. First R's. Approximate area where Albi seen last week.  R's certainly uttered by Albi or [[underlined]] Tiaris. [[/underlined]].  Then more R's. [[underlined]] All completely overlapped by "Chuck" Songs of several Scans in neighborhood. [[/underlined]]  Then R's stop 5:59.  Then start again.  All R's quite far off.  Downhill in patch second growth woods.  Then R's apparently stopped again.  Several Scans continue, full blast.

^[[Scan]] Scans here obviously prefer fairly high perches, in more or less isolated trees or clumps of trees, with relatively wide view of surrounding open areas, for their Songs and other displays.  IE they are not usually inside the forest and scrub (where the Albis, and Cys presumably usually are).  Remember also the Scan in the Páramo at Frontino!

^[[Scan Albi?]] Scans still continuing to Sing frequently 6:21 am. NDWA.

Then I hear another R in distance.  Again completely overlapped by Scan "Chuck" Song.

^[[Cy 617]] 6:30 a.m.  At least 2 ^[[two checkmarks]] Cys suddenly appear edge of scrubby