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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 15, 1965, II.   

[[left margin]] Sitti [[/left margin]]
loud and emphatic that they sound as if they were being uttered by a bird considerably larger than the Sitti. This impression is strengthened by the fact that they also are comparatively low in actual pitch.

[[left margin]] Coer [[/left margin]]
Shortly after this flock arrives, a Coer also begins to sing some distance away. This almost certainly is the second Coer heard (and seen) singing yesterday. Song phrases of usual type. With triple "Zeeeee" Note "Introductions". I think that these song phrases must be a hostile response to the presence of the flock. (Even if the Coer can't see the flock, it certainly can hear the other birds. Many of them are quite noisy.)

[[left margin]] Sitti Coer [[/left margin]]
The Yellowfaces with this flock certainly sang from time to time. I think that their songs did not overlap the "Twitters" of the Sittis. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell if the Coer songs were overlapped by either Yellowfaces or Sittis. The vocalizations of both the latter species are so much louder (and were so much nearer) than the songs of the Coer that the latter would have been "drowned out" in any case.

Coer songs stop after flock moves on.

[[left margin]] Coer [[/left margin]]
But then, when I go on to Coer area, 8:45 a m, the bird utters a few more phrases. A reaction to my approach? (When I stop moving, bird also stops singing.)

[[left margin]] WCC [[/left margin]]
COMMENTS: Today, I was again struck by the absence of WCC's with mixed flocks. I am sure that WCC's would have been present with similar flocks, in similar-looking environments, on Munchique. The Coral WWC's here must have a comparatively restricted distribution. (This seems to be one of the few examples of greater segregation on Puracé than on Munchique.)

[[left margin]] Black [[/left margin]]
I also was struck by the apparent absence of Black Diglos

Transcription Notes:
Sitti - top left margin it is written "Sitti".