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Mixed Diglossini, Aug 16, 1965, II

in the area where I worked this morning. Altho I did not recognize any of the species.)

[[left margin]] Brun Ater [[/left margin]]
A thought has just occurred to me: Is Brun more tolerant of extreme humidity, as well as comparative dryness, than Ater??

August 17, 1965 

Going to work at a relatively low elevation on the western side of the mountain today. Where Scan-Ater reactions were seen a few moments ago. Arrive 5:15 am. Still dark. Cloudy. Little or no wind. Everything silent.

SEE TODAY'S NOTES ON GENERAL MIXED FLOCKS - CC's in highly integrated group.

[[left margin]] Ater 4 CC [[/left margin]] 
6:42 am. See single Ater. (checkmark) Silent and alone. Only a few yards uphill from where flock with CC's seen earlier. Ranging 3-10 ft up in scrub. Picking insects off leaves. Probably also off dead flower heads.

[[left margin]] CC 6 [[/left margin]]
7:48 am. Down below road. 8860 ft. Hear loud formless Diglossine twitter. Region thick but not very high scrub. Then see single CC perched 4 ft up. [[2 checkmarks]] Flies off to join mate in scrub 30 ft away. No Greeting. Then both birds move off rapidly thru scrub. Silent and definitely alone.

[[left margin]] Ater Scan CC [[/left margin]]
I think this twitter must have been uttered by CC. If so, it is interesting that it was not obviously divided into "triplets"

This is exactly the site where Ater-Scan hostilities were observed a couple of months ago. But neither Scans nor Aters are visible or audible now.

Wind picking up 7:55 am.

Transcription Notes:
notations of underlines no longer needed..see new instructions.