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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 14, 1967, V    8

[[left margin]] Thalass [/left margin]]
8:44. Hear Whitestart CXXVII phrases in distance. Completely overlapped by 3-note hummer Song. Whitestart shuts up. Hummer continues unperturbed.

This hummer certainly is not doing any Flight Song performances! Altho is does shuffle wings frequently while Singing while perched.

Then hear another Whitestart CXXVII Song in distance. Again completely overlapped by 3-note hummer Song.

8:51. See unmistakable adult Slate-throat. Flitting about, low in scrub, 2-6ft up. Silent. This may be an "outlier" of the local mixed flock (which may be turning around now)But it certainly isn't very close to the other birds. And certainly quite far from the Whitestart(s) CXXVII.

[[left margin]] Thalass [[/left margin]]
Hummer Singing 3-note Song is briefly attacked by a smaller hummer. Ducks, stops Singing. Smaller bird flies on. The larger one, the presumed Colibri, perches silent for a few seconds Then flies off. Then I hear more 3-note Song down hill. Again (still) NODWAH Hummer stops. Immediately Whitestart CXXVII Sings up hill. NODWAH. Then hummer starts again. Partial overlap. Whitestart stops. Hummer continues.

Now Hummer obviously flying from tree to tree, Singing at different perches. Song broken up into irregular "phrases". And the first one or two patterns of each phrase do tend to be 2 note.

[[left margin]] Thalass [[/left margin]]
Now catch glimpse of Singing bird. Perched 25ft up. It certainly does not have purple on belly And it does, almost certainly, have moustaches. So I think that it must be Thalass