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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 16, 1967, V.        

Then hear several CXXVVII Songs. Completely overlapping one another. And both completely overlapped by Thalass.
9:10 am. Just above ✓74 "the flock" area. See small black Diglossa, presumably ♂ Albi, very low in scrub edge road. Apparently ignores hummingbird XX flitting about 2-3 ft away.  But XX flies away almost immediately. 

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
Well! Well! Well! 9:20a.m. Just below "first Nocti" area. Region of very dense, low, fern scrub. See single ✓75 ♂  Albi flitting through scrub.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]] 
[[2 images]] bird from side; and bird from front -showing low posture [[/2 images]]
[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
The male Albi is repeatedly followed, and swooped at, by a small hummingbird. Obviously a completely hostile dispute!!! Between attacks, the male Albi usually stands in a fairly low posture (more or less as drawn above - altho sometimes not quite so extremely low), with the white patches fluffed out to a very extreme degree. At the same time, he performs constant and extremely exaggerated TF's. Also frequent, but apparently less exaggerated WF's. Definitely quite silent throughout.

This obviously is a hostile display. But presumably less aggressive than R. The male Albi was on the defensive throughout.

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]] 
(Notice that the general "Gestalt" of this display is quite reminiscent of a common threat display of Laf.)

Transcription Notes:
Deleted underlining notations; changed Mars symbols to the word "male" - both per transcription guidelines Where in the transcription guidelines does it say to change a symbol to a word? I just read the entire documents and did not see that anywhere.