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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 18, 1962, IV 

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
The place where this Albi was feeding was well inside the forest

The blue-ish tanager or honeycreeper seen with or near the Albi in this group may have been Unidentified VII.
4:00 pm  At almost exactly the same spot where I saw the ♂ Albi with a mixed flock a couple of days ago, I see a single Buff-throat feeding on flowers in thicket a few feet above ground. Silent. No other birds very close by. Buff-throat flies off. Then I notice that there are quite a lot of other birds of other species in nearby trees & thickets (20 or 30 ft away).

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]  A mixed flocks. Most individuals drifting in same direction. Including 1 Th. cyanocephala, 1 White-spectacled Redstart, hummingbirds, 1 flycatcher, and 1 Unidentified VIII.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
If this Buff-throat was "really" associated with this group, it certainly did not follow them in any obvious manner. Perhaps the relationships between some of these Diglossini and mixed flocks are quite as "devious" as their relations among themselves. 
I got a good view of this Buff-throat. Absolutely no streaking underneath.

[[left margin]] Albi Cy [[/left margin]]
4:40 pm Back to pocket. Immediately see single cyanea feeding in flowers top of tree 30 ft above ground. Silent and apparently alone. Then a Buff-throat flies straight into bush below cyanea tree about 31 ft away from latter. Utters brief trill as it lands. Looks at me. Flies away. Cyanea apparently pays no attention at all   

[[left margin]] Coer [[/left margin]]
5:23 pm. There is a blue diglossini here fly from tree to tree. On or near tops. At least 40-50 ft. above ground. Pauses to sing occasionally. Songs peculiar. Preliminary soft notes, almost PN-like instead of "Tsit"s. Sort "fa-wee sa-weee" or "Ta-sa-wee sa-weee" Followed immediately by brief warble, barelly [[barely]] more than three notes