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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 18, 1962, V.            

in some cases. I am not really sure this is cyanea. Looked light in color. Bill very "Diglonopes"-like. Perhaps coerulescens?
[[left margin]] Cy  Coer [[/left margin]]
If cyanea and coerulescens both occur here, it is interesting that their songs differ from those of the cyanea at Nono in opposite ways!

Mixed Diglossini   September 19, 1962
Teleférico #1

Arrive A Glor area 5:45 am.
No sound of aterrima-like song
[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]]
Then one burst of what may be it in distance 5:53. Song a jumbled "Za weea weea weea weea weea" Very fast. Can't see bird. Song repeated frequently. Bird flies away 6:00 am. Shuts up. No other diglossini songs audible. Leaving myself.
Arrive "pocket" 6:07 am. Absolutely no sound or sight of anything! Birds presumably all feeding.

[[left margin]] Albi  Cy [[/left margin]]
Good heavens! Suddenly find the whole top of a tree, covered with pink flowers, full of at least 4 Diglossa size birds. Unfortunately can't identify them well. At least 1 ♂ Albi, 1 cyanea. Others may conceivably have been warblers. All birds flitting about very rapidly. Couldn't tell if Albi and cyanea came very close together or not. Lots of CN's and/or SHN's. Several bursts of cyanea song. More or less like song heard yesterday morning.

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
Most of the birds moved off as I approached, leaving cyanea alone. Got good view of it. Specific identity certain. Feeding on pink tubular flowers 25 ft off ground with usual Diglossa method

Transcription Notes:
Marginalia is written in red pencil. Edited to reflect transcription instructions not to include underlines. Diglossia:the coexistence of two varieties (in this case, birds) of the same language throughout a speech community. Can't find the bird whose name starts with "A". I found it - It is aterrima!!!